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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 综合辅导 - PETS1英语一级 - 正文


来源:2exam.com 2014-1-9 22:10:56




  M: The concert begins at 8:30. Let’s hurry.

  W: We still have 45 minutes. How do we go there?

  Q: What’s the time now?

  [A] 9:15      [B] 8:15     [C] 7:45



  W: Did you ring me up yesterday evening?

  M: Yes, I wanted you to come over and meet my cousin who has just come from the United States, but your mother said that you were at evening classes.

  Q: Who answered the phone call?

  [A] The woman     [B] The man’s cousin     [C] The woman’s mother

  名师精解:对话中“your mother said that you were at evening classes.”说明了昨天,接到电话的人是对话中妇女的母亲。而之前的一些信息“Did you ring me up yesterday evening?”正提示了这位男说话者昨天打过电话。故[A] [B]两选项都是起到干扰作用的选项。


  M: Hi, Lilan

  W: Hi, Wang Ming. Haven’t seen you for ages. Any news?

  M: I’m going to do a business course when I leave school.

  W: Are you? Very glad to hear it. Then what are you going to do when finish?

  M: Oh, I shall go back to Beijing to practice there.

  W: That’s a good idea. You know there are more opportunities for business there than Shijiazhuan. And English is very useful in the job.

  M: Yes, I think it’ll be very useful in many ways.

  W: Besides, Beijing is an international trade centre. English is used almost everywhere.

  M: Then I’ll be a very promising businessman there.

  1. What is the man’s plan for his future?

  [A] Take a business course in Beijing

  [B] Learn some English in Beijing

  [C] Do some Business in Beijing.

  2. What can you tell about the man?

  [A] He used to live in Beijing

  [B] He used to live in Shijiazhuan

  [C] He used to live in Shanghai

  3. What do the two speakers agree to?

  [A] Going to the evening school

  [B] Improving their English

  [C] Practising business

  名师精解:对话中 "W: Hi, Jack. Haven’t seen you for ages. Any news?" (嘿,杰克。好久不见了,你怎么样了?) M: I’m going to do a business course when I leave school.(在毕业后我打算去读商务课程.)”但紧接着,"W: Then what are you going to do when finish?"(但你学完学业后,你打算做什么呢?)M: "Oh, I shall go back to Beijing to practice there."(哦。我会回到北京拓展我的事业。)这说明第1题这个男人的将来计划最终还是在北京进行商务活动。这道题目就从听力材料中直接选择获得,较容易,答案选择[C]。而题目2和题目3就要求考生通过理解全文,才能获得答案。从题目2的题干看,题目设计者考查点落在:Where did the man use to live? 而听力原文中只提及过两个地点:Beijing和Shijiazhuan。因此,Shanghai则一定是错误的。而原文中 “I shall go back to Beijing to practice there”。go back则为重点。但一般考生在第一次听时,却很容易忽略这个关键词汇。所以在回答该题时,就要在第二次听中特别关注地名。则较易得出结论,答案为[A]。第3题则是对全文的一个总结。对话多次提及英语的重要作用。①W: And English is very useful in the job. M: Yes, I think it’ll be very useful in many ways.②W: English is used almost everywhere.因而,What do the two speakers agree to? 答案为[B],其余[A] [C]为干扰项。

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